
Power of DAFs and the do’s and don’ts

A Donor-advised funds (DAFs) is one of many types of funds you can establish at the Community Foundation. In fact, due to their simplicity and flexibility, DAFs are the fastest-growing […]

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Estate planning: Your kids … and your community

As you contemplate your legacy and adjust your estate plan over the years, it’s natural to focus on your children and family as the primary beneficiaries in your will and […]

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Leaving a Bequest to the Community Foundation

Many donors and fund holders at the community foundation have updated their estate plans to leave a bequest to their donor-advised or other type of fund. Some bequests take the […]

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Big or Small, every gift matters

Simplicity, efficiency, and effectiveness have long been cornerstones of working with the community foundation to carry out charitable goals. Time and time again at the community foundation, we see how […]

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Clean Slate: Tips for 2024 Charitable Giving

A new year is such a great time to plan and reboot. Cliche as it may be to talk about resolutions this time of year, it’s tough to deny that […]

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2024 Community Grant Awards

For Immediate Release 2024 Community Grants Awards   The Board of Directors of the Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) is pleased to announce it will award […]

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Empty Stocking Fund CSRA

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Getting Ready for Giving Tuesday

FACTS: In 2022 3.2 Billion was raised on November 29th alone. Last year, 35 million adults in the US participated. (+6%). Since 2020, Giving Tuesday has been Mailchimp’s third busiest […]

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Fourth quarter jitters: Charitable giving tips to reduce your stress

You are not alone if you begin to feel a little anxious when November rolls around. Many people experience year-end stress, whether because of looming deadlines at work, tax-related estate […]

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Do good, feel better: Philanthropy through the lens of well-being

Philanthropy means “love of humanity”—and, according to some, “philanthropy” includes acts that benefit both the giver and the receiver. This is surprising to some people who have been taught “it’s […]

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